
Technical inquiry form

Contact form


Please choose the type of inquiry. * Selection of seals Questions Others
Please enter the details about your inquiry in the form. *
Name * First name  Family name 
Company Name *
Postal Code *
Address *
Please indicate the name of building also.
Phone Number * - -
Fax Number - -
E-mail Address *
E-mail Address (Re-enter to confirm.) *

Please try to fill the below items, detailed operating conditions, as much as possible.

About packings (name, form...etc)
(1)Name of equipment
(2)Name of cylinder
(3)Dimensions × × (φD×φd×st)
(4)Pressure medium Hydraulic pressure Pneumatic pressure Others (
(5)Pressure Normal (MPa)・Maximum (MPa)
(6)Stroke (mm)
(7)Speed (mm/s)
(8)Cycle (min-1)
(9)Temperature (℃)
(10)Frequency per day
(11)Period of use
(12)Operation type Reciprocation Rotation Oscillation Swivel Static
(13)Lubrication method
(15)Position used (specify material)
Cylinder Piston
Rod Bearing
(16)Finishing method
(17)Plating Yes - please specify the type of plating(), None
(18)Regulatory requirement under
operation environment
Yes - please specify the name of regulatory requirement(), None
Attach file (drawing of equipment and other document)
No file attachment